Dr.-Ing. Monika Freunek

Lighthouse Science Consulting and Technologies Inc.

Chapter 1, 12, 24, 25, 28

Dr.-Ing. Monika Freunek is an experienced researcher and lecturer, project manager, and executive leader in the fields of energy systems, critical infrastructure, and cybersecurity. She has more than 15 years of experience in IoT systems, microsystem technologies, cybersecurity, data science, and machine learning. She studied product development and product engineering with a focus on mechatronics at the universities of applied sciences in Bielefeld and Furtwangen, Germany. As a scholarship holder of the Research Training Group GRK 1322-1 “Micro Energy Harvesting” of the German Research Foundation, she completed her doctorate in microsystems technology at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg in 2010 on the selfsufficient energy supply of IoT systems. Her positions in science and industry include IBM Research, the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, the ZHAW, and the Swiss energy supplier BKW AG. Bringing science into practice and promoting dialog between research and application are core priorities for her work. Monika Freunek is the editor of several scientific books in the English-speaking world, a regular author of specialist articles and the inventor of two patents in the field of cellular energy systems for integration into existing infrastructures. With her company, Lighthouse Science Consulting and Technologies Inc., based in Canada, she also builds transatlantic bridges between disciplines.