Tobias Egeler

TransnetBW GmbH

Chapter 14, 44

Tobias Egeler is Head of Grid Management at TransnetBW GmbH, the transmission system operator in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He is responsible for ensuring grid access for redistributors and power plants on the extra-high-voltage grid, including the grid fees for grid utilization. He also realizes market access for all market participants in Baden-Württemberg and implements the relevant energy data management. He is responsible for the implementation of the German Renewable Energy Act (EEG), the Cogeneration Act (KWK-G) and the statutory levies, and procures various products for system stability. In his area of responsibility, he deals with questions of market design and development towards a digitally characterized “smart system” as part of the energy transition.
Egeler is also involved in Smart Grids-Plattform Baden-Württemberg e. V. as Deputy Chairman of the Board. He also represents Flexcess GmbH, which was established in collaboration with TenneT at the end of 2021, on the Supervisory Board of Equigy B. V., in which Flexcess holds a 20 % stake. He also holds a seat on the Supervisory Board of Leo Energie GmbH & Co. KG.